For the very first post, I suppose I'll just introduce you to the site.
My name is Jade Rivers, and I am the main writer, creator, and editor of the Perry Newsletter. Many of you are coming here from myspace, and I apologize to you for not having this up so much sooner like I said I would. I have been quite busy for a while. Finally though, WELCOME! I am beyond ecstatic to have the page up and going, and my hope is that all of you will enjoy it. About the posts:
They will be everything from venting about Steve, fan fiction, articles written by me and other fans to poetry about Steve, and anything else you guys want to submit! To submit an entry, send it to I will look over it, and it may very well be posted here. Anyone can comment on entries, and your comment can be anonymous, you can put your name, or if you have a blogspot account, you can log-in that way and your user-name will appear above your comment.
The first actual post will most likely be within the next week. I haven't quite decided what it will be about, but stay tuned for it!
If you have no entry to submit, but you would just like to make any suggestions for the site or ask me any questions, please do! (email)
Thanks to everyone who is reading! Also, just thanks for supporting "The Voice." We all know he deserves it!
Jade Rivers.
My name is Jade Rivers, and I am the main writer, creator, and editor of the Perry Newsletter. Many of you are coming here from myspace, and I apologize to you for not having this up so much sooner like I said I would. I have been quite busy for a while. Finally though, WELCOME! I am beyond ecstatic to have the page up and going, and my hope is that all of you will enjoy it. About the posts:
They will be everything from venting about Steve, fan fiction, articles written by me and other fans to poetry about Steve, and anything else you guys want to submit! To submit an entry, send it to I will look over it, and it may very well be posted here. Anyone can comment on entries, and your comment can be anonymous, you can put your name, or if you have a blogspot account, you can log-in that way and your user-name will appear above your comment.
The first actual post will most likely be within the next week. I haven't quite decided what it will be about, but stay tuned for it!
If you have no entry to submit, but you would just like to make any suggestions for the site or ask me any questions, please do! (email)
Thanks to everyone who is reading! Also, just thanks for supporting "The Voice." We all know he deserves it!
Jade Rivers.