For the very first post, I suppose I'll just introduce you to the site.
My name is Jade Rivers, and I am the main writer, creator, and editor of the Perry Newsletter. Many of you are coming here from myspace, and I apologize to you for not having this up so much sooner like I said I would. I have been quite busy for a while. Finally though, WELCOME! I am beyond ecstatic to have the page up and going, and my hope is that all of you will enjoy it. About the posts:
They will be everything from venting about Steve, fan fiction, articles written by me and other fans to poetry about Steve, and anything else you guys want to submit! To submit an entry, send it to I will look over it, and it may very well be posted here. Anyone can comment on entries, and your comment can be anonymous, you can put your name, or if you have a blogspot account, you can log-in that way and your user-name will appear above your comment.
The first actual post will most likely be within the next week. I haven't quite decided what it will be about, but stay tuned for it!
If you have no entry to submit, but you would just like to make any suggestions for the site or ask me any questions, please do! (email)
Thanks to everyone who is reading! Also, just thanks for supporting "The Voice." We all know he deserves it!
Jade Rivers.
My name is Jade Rivers, and I am the main writer, creator, and editor of the Perry Newsletter. Many of you are coming here from myspace, and I apologize to you for not having this up so much sooner like I said I would. I have been quite busy for a while. Finally though, WELCOME! I am beyond ecstatic to have the page up and going, and my hope is that all of you will enjoy it. About the posts:
They will be everything from venting about Steve, fan fiction, articles written by me and other fans to poetry about Steve, and anything else you guys want to submit! To submit an entry, send it to I will look over it, and it may very well be posted here. Anyone can comment on entries, and your comment can be anonymous, you can put your name, or if you have a blogspot account, you can log-in that way and your user-name will appear above your comment.
The first actual post will most likely be within the next week. I haven't quite decided what it will be about, but stay tuned for it!
If you have no entry to submit, but you would just like to make any suggestions for the site or ask me any questions, please do! (email)
Thanks to everyone who is reading! Also, just thanks for supporting "The Voice." We all know he deserves it!
Jade Rivers.
Very Very wonderful I am so wowed on all of your hard work you have done and you are going to touch many lifes with this Perry Newsletter
God Bless
Thank you so much!!!! (:
I love Steve as well as his music. I think listening to his music and watching him perform will give you a little glimpse into the man that he is. You won't be disappointed.
When I hear Steve sing, it is as if he is singing only to me. He has that magical quality of a truely great singer.
Please Steve produce more of your concerts on dvd so we won't be forced to buy those poorly produced bootleg dvds that are the only ones we can obtain. They are a disgrace to your talent and your songs. If you would watch one; I am sure it would make you cry to see what damage is done to you and your performances. Please give us the real thing, and you will have given something of great value to those of us you still "miss you" after all of this time! Love you. Sheila
check out a "new myspace" that has the title of, "the official Steve Perry myspace." What do you suppose that means? Could it be??
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to such a beautiful person!
Hello Jade! words cannot fully express what Steve Perry means 2 me. His voice, his power, his passion, his love! As much as I love, admire & emulate Prince, it's Steve's voice that my voice is truly like. I feel a connection with him that is so wonderful yet strange. I feel that California connection. U c, my mother who was born in Monroe, Louisiana left there 2 live in Oakland, California 4 several years b4 going back 2 Louisiana & then eventually back 2 Chicago. This was all b4 I was born in 1973 the year which Journey was formed & my guy Prince formed his 1st band. My mother grew up listening 2 Sam Cooke, Aretha Franklin & all the great soul & gospel singers in the 1950's & 60's. I can remember growing up hearing my mother sing & how soulful & powerful her voice was. But I didn't discover my own singing voice until around 1987. Growing up until I was around 13 years old, I was just a casual music fan. I was mostly n2 Star Wars action figures, G.I. Joe, Robotech, cartoons, slingshots, etc. And of course in the 1980's, it was all about Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna & all the many great music acts of that time. But I can remember hearing Journey many times either thru videos or radio. I just didn't know who they were or who the singer was. I can remember many times hearing Open Arms, Oh Sherrie, Seperate Ways (Worlds Apart) etc. It wasn't until the late summer 1996 when a couple of black friends of mine on the west side of Chicago had copies of the Escape & Frontiers albums & played some songs 4 me. I said "yeah, I remember these songs"! Wow! Who is the singer? They said "man, that's Steve Perry"! Later that year, I bought Journey Greatest Hits on cassette. Just like I was blown away by listening 2 Prince's Hit's & B-sides collection in 1993, I was blown away by Steve Perry & Journey! I was so entralled & amazed at the power, passion, the soul, the electricity, the fire & most importantly, the love in their music. I decided 2 try 2 find as much Journey as I can. But I was saddened & dissapointed the Steve at that time til' now was no longer with Journey. I hope & pray that Steve puts out the new album next year. If he tours, I will c him. God bless u Jade & please 4give me 4 my book. Have a great day!
This is so great! Keep up the good work!
thanks so much for all the support, Guys!
And that's a great idea, PERRYSLUV4EVER (Darrah)!
hi just found your page. i to am just in love with steve perry he is just awesome. wouldn't it be great if he toured again. omg i would just flip out to see him. great site keep up the good work
Awsome job! Congrats...Steve is the voice of our lifetime, I truely believe that...Anything that keeps his music in the public eye is a goog thing! And you are so young,thats a great thing...he is reaching a new generation. You go girl Dont Stop Believing!
And Steve, if ya read this, this is your legacy!
Thank you for the invitation! Job well done!! I`ll be seeing more of you and more of Steve I hope...Keep us posted!!
on arnel. well i went to see journey with arnel only because we won the tickets. all arnel is a mimicker of all singers he can do from led zepplin to heart you name it he sings them. but i could clearly hear his phillipino accent, he was a little faster on slow meaningful songs, too fast on slow songs. no one could sing a song and feel the emotions like steve perry. shame on the rest of journey for not waiting on steve. and they claim according to the G.Q. article that its steve sitting on his ass making money while they tour. good , but i'm sure it still hurts to hear your ex members singing your songs.i agree they could of waited on him. it was his voice who put them on the charts. they are singing those songs thanks to steve. as i have on my space "there was a journey before steve but people only knew of journey after steve."
correction on my last blog too slow on fast songs.
i also get pissed off when the compare arnel to steve. sorry but i listened to him and he cannot hear me cannot carry a tune. i was also upset that rerecorded the old journey songs. neal seems to want to relive the past. as i have said before i never had a problem with neal until i read the GQ interview he did after steve did his. what a jealous old fart he is. omg he is so pissed that steve still gets paid it is eating him up. he should of thought about that before he acted like a butthole. as you can see i truely dislike neal. i just love that neal has to tour and work his ass off to make a buck and steve can just sit back and collect it. haha.
Love the dedication to Steve. He is perfection. Hate the picture of him and Sherrie, though.
I can only comment on the new singer controversy by saying I have seen him. I went(payed money!)
for my daughter and I to go this past summer.I loved Journey... We left after only 2 songs!I new Perry was my fav.but I was shocked to see how we both reacted to the new guy. When This band split our heart truely went with Steve. The new guy is a mimic, a very good one, but a mimic none the less. And we were not the only ones that left the show! In the radio adds for the show on the way down Steve was the voice! NOT the new guy...
There is NO replacing such talent...mimics are the best the "J BOYS" can do now......
well i have to come again to say i agree with everyone who says no one can ever replace steve. arnel can never sound as good or will ever sound as good as steve.they broke the mold when he was born. there was only one voice box like his.and god put it on steve's body. the man can sing the phone book and you
Amazon Link to new release!
Dont Stop Believing...
I give you a lot of credit, for what you are doing here. Steve Perry will always be the voice of "Journey". I've listened to their music ever since they arrived on the charts with him as their vocalist, and miss that music & voice dearly. The bands last achievement "When You Love A Woman" is my favorite of all of his vocals, too bad it was cut short. Pray that He will rise again!
gI agree on what was said in some of the previous comments! In a few words I can say, there is no more Journey without Steve Perry. The new guy is nothing in comparison. He is not a bad singer, but he doesn't posses the same vocal and performing qualities. Besides he has no business in the band success. The rest of the band members are ungrateful prople, didn't wait for him, after all that he had done for them, unbelievable! They forgot that without Steve they would still be playng in some garage or not at all! Nothing against the new guy, it is not his fault, but the Journey is over! I am positive about that. Just the fact that only Journey songs with Steve singing (not the new guy) are played on the radio, I think it already screams that out loud! Thank you for creating this blog!
Steve deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, by himself, without the rest of the Journey band members!!
I so much agree with you about the new Journey singer, and also you are right, I never hear any songs played on the radio with Arnel, only with Steve.
I wanted to also add, that Steve singing any way he can, is 100% better than Arnel singing perfectly; which he does not by the way, because Steve is the only one that can have the passion, because those songs are his babies. Only he can sing them with that kind of passion, no one else.
This site is great but...Y does everyone seem to hate AP ? Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. He's done the Journey Classics justice. Steve's passion in his melodic voice is so soul stirring, it sometimes makes me cry. I close my eyes and I feel as if Im in the studio watching him record every beautiful note. I can only imagine all that raw sincere emotion being poured into those beautiful songs like Missing You & Anyway. "Anyway" Beautiful song.
This site is great but...Y does everyone seem to hate AP ? Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. He's done the Journey Classics justice. Steve's passion in his melodic voice is so soul stirring, it sometimes makes me cry. I close my eyes and I feel as if Im in the studio watching him record every beautiful note. I can only imagine all that raw sincere emotion being poured into those beautiful songs like Missing You & Anyway. "Anyway" Beautiful song.
This site is great but...Y does everyone seem to hate AP ? Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. He's done the Journey Classics justice. Steve's passion in his melodic voice is so soul stirring, it sometimes makes me cry. I close my eyes and I feel as if Im in the studio watching him record every beautiful note. I can only imagine all that raw sincere emotion being poured into those beautiful songs like Missing You & Anyway. "Anyway" Beautiful song.
This site is great but...Y does everyone seem to hate AP ? Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. He's done the Journey Classics justice. Steve's passion in his melodic voice is so soul stirring, it sometimes makes me cry. I close my eyes and I feel as if Im in the studio watching him record every beautiful note. I can only imagine all that raw sincere emotion being poured into those beautiful songs like Missing You & Anyway. "Anyway" Beautiful song.
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